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Bank Support Woker
Gainford Care Homes
Gainford Care Homes


Job Description: Bank Support Worker


Working Hours: Varies


Accountable to: Manager and Team Leaders


Salary: £11.42/hour



Support Workers are required to work in accordance with the aims and objectives of the Home in order to provide a quality service to residents who have learning disabilities and physical disabilities, and to ensure that the Home is a comfortable and safe environment for the residents to live in.


Duties and responsibilities include the following:


  • To participate in all relevant training and to update skills to ensure that service users have the best quality of care.
  • To complete a six week induction period on commencement of employment.
  • To work within the Home’s policies and procedures.
  • To report all accidents, incidents, and complaints to a senior member of staff.
  • To be flexible in the duty rota within the framework of contracted hours as the rota is devised to meet the needs of the residents.
  • To maintain all aspects of confidentiality in accordance with the Home’s policies and procedures.
  • To work with residents in accordance with their individual support plans plans and risk assessments, and participate in their review.
  • To communicate effectively within the staff team including keeping confidential written records regarding the care that the residents receive.
  • To support residents to develop their daily living skills including cleaning, cooking, and shopping appropriate to their individual needs.
  • To support residents with their personal hygiene and dental hygiene according to individual need.
  • To act as a key worker in line with the Home’s policies and procedures.
  • To promote the independence of residents and to ensure that they are able to participate in events and activities both in and outside of the Home.
  • To participate within the staff team, attend staff meetings, and to participate in meetings with other agencies in order to engage the residents in personal futures planning.
  • To provide the residents with opportunities for new experiences, individualism, and freedom of expression.
  • To support the residents to have social inclusion within the local community.
  • To maintain the resident’s dignity, confidentiality, and freedom of choice.



Glenbrooke House is a part of a larger organisation, Gainford Care Homes Limited.

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